Monday April 19
Sign the Green Graduation Pledge
UF Bookstore, 10am-4pm
Sign the Green Graduation Pledge
UF Bookstore, 10am-4pm
Tuesday April 20
Sustainable Products Tradeshow
Reitz Union Grand Ballroom, 10am-2pm
Sustainable Products Tradeshow
Reitz Union Grand Ballroom, 10am-2pm
The State of Solar, presented by ASES
106 Rinker Hall, 6:30pm
106 Rinker Hall, 6:30pm
Wednesday April 21
Plaza of the Americas
Hazardous and Electronic Waste Collection - 10am-3pm
Greening Your Career panel - 11am
Status of Sustainability presentation by UF President, Bernie Machen - 1pm
Sustainable Solutions Awards Presentation – 1:30pm
Plaza of the Americas
Hazardous and Electronic Waste Collection - 10am-3pm
Greening Your Career panel - 11am
Status of Sustainability presentation by UF President, Bernie Machen - 1pm
Sustainable Solutions Awards Presentation – 1:30pm
Thursday April 22
Earth Days Reception and Movie
Hippodrome, 5:30pm-9pm
Earth Days Reception and Movie
Hippodrome, 5:30pm-9pm
Friday April 23
Recycle Your Coursepacks
Campuswide, all day
Recycle Your Coursepacks
Campuswide, all day
Saturday April 24
UF Cultural Plaza Earth Day Celebration
UF Cultural Plaza, 10am-3pm
UF Cultural Plaza Earth Day Celebration
UF Cultural Plaza, 10am-3pm