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Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Shower Coach Challenge: Can you take a 5-minute shower?

In conjunction with the annual Eco-Challenge, the Department of Housing and Residence Education Green Team/Recycling/Sustainability Committee is encouraging residents to take shorter, cooler showers. Residents of the Yulee Area residence hall piloted shower timers in the fall semester. Residents responded positively to the Shower timers—some say it helps them keep track of time when they are running late for class!

And the numbers clearly indicate the shower timers are working. When November 2008 water usage was compared with November 2009’s, Yulee Hall residents saved, per resident, per day, 3.43 gallons of water, Reid Hall residents 3.43 gallons, and Mallory Hall residents 3.39 gallons.

Due to the success of the pilot program, two additional residence areas, Graham and Murphree, were outfitted with shower timers this month. A five minute shower uses 12.5 gallons of water. Each additional minute uses 2.5 gallons of water.

Additional water conservation efforts are also being encouraged through reminders posted in residence halls. Recommended actions include turning off water while brushing teeth or shaving and reporting leaking faucets, shower heads, and “running” toilets through iService, the online maintenance request program.